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My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies, by Franck, 1991. |
"My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies,
Fairytales of yesterday will grow and never die,
I can fly, my friends!"
(The Queen, "Innuendo", EMI, 1991)
🇮🇹Da Innuendo dei Queen, ricordo Freddie, che ancora vola sul mio cuore. Oggi, 25 anni fa, fra il 23 e il 24 novembre 1991, Freddie non aspettava l'alba per fuggire. Più tardi, schizzavo questa immagine sul mio diario, per sentire più vicine le sue parole. Vedevo attraverso i "Prigioni" di Michelangelo Bonarroti, il desiderio di liberarsi dell'anima.
Mi manca Freddie, mi ha insegnato tante cose, sull'essere originali, artisti, dolci con un pugno e mai rinunciare a ridere alla vita!
🇬🇧From Innuendo by Queen, I remember Freddie, who is still flying on my heart. Today, 25 years ago, between 23rd and 24th of November 1991, Freddie didn't wait for the dawn to set him free. Later, I sketched this picture on my diary, to feel closer his words. I could see through the "Prisoners" by Michelangelo Bonarroti, the desire of being freed by his soul.
I still miss Freddie. He taught me many things, about being original, artist, always sweet but with a fist and never renouncing to laugh to life!
"I still love you!"
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