"What's your road, man?--holyboy road, madman road, rainbow road, guppy road, any road. It's an anywhere road for anybody anyhow." On The Road, Jack Kerouac 1957
Per me, i ritratti
vengono ispirati da tante suggestioni. I libri sono una fonte, come i film, per
alimentare la fantasia. Nel mio album di schizzi allora ho voluto ritrarre in
meno di 20 minuti Kerouac. Jack mi ha affascinato da quando ho letto la prima
volta “On the Road” per lavorare alla mia tesi di laurea all’Università La
Sapienza. Da quel momento, mi è rimasto
nel cuore, come uno spirito affine.
È stato quindi
facile, ritrarlo dalla copertina del romanzo. E le sue frasi sulla filosofia
della strada di Dean Moriarty riecheggiano in pochi tratti di mina HB.
In my view, portraits may be inspired by many suggestions. Novels are
one of those, as movies, to feed imagination. In my sketchbook, I wanted to
draw in less than 20 minutes Kerouac. Jack has fascinated me since the first
time I read “On the Road”, to write my thesis at University La Sapienza of
Rome. For then, he has stayed in my heart, just like a spiritual affinity.
So, it was simple to portrait him from the front
cover of the novel. And his words, about the road’s philosophy by Dean Moriarty,
are echoing in few lines drawn in HB pencil.
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