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Una mostra collettiva

A Roma, presso la Galleria - Centro culturale Il Leone, in Via Aleardo Aleardi, 12, vicino San Giovanni, saranno esposti tre miei lavori, in una mostra collettiva al femminile.
Da Sabato 7 marzo per circa 10 giorni, la Galleria Il Leone ospiterà diverse artiste.

In Rome, at the Art Gallery and Culture Centre Il Leone, in Via Aleardo Aleardi, 12, next San Giovanni square, three works of mines are going to be shown on a collective art exhibition, all done by women. 
From Saturday March the 7th, 2015, for almost ten days, the Art Gallery Il Leone is going to show different women artists.

Ci saranno i miei ritratti:
There will be these portraits: 
Jimmy Hendrix  by Franck, 2013. Acrilic colours on paper canvas, 70 x 50 cm.

Kurt by Franck, 2011. Coal, soft pastel, glitters on paper, 100 x 70 cm.

John Robinson by Franck, 2005. Pastels on paper, 60 x 50 cm.

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