Sto lavorando ad un nuovo progetto. Ho dipinto su tela cartonata in acrilici un'illustrazione che avevo eseguito in sanguigna. Mantengo le stesse tonalità del disegno originale.
I have been working on a new project. I am painting with acrylics on paper canvas an illustration, which I made in sanguigne pencil. I take the same shades of the original drawing.
©Francesca Dodaro, a.k.a. Franck, sketch of Jesus dies on the cross, sanguigne pencil on paper canvas, June 2015. |
©Francesca Dodaro, a.k.a. Franck, coloring the canvas, acrylic colors and water. |
©Francesca Dodaro, a.k.a. Franck, Jesus dies on the cross, dark and medium shade, acrylic colours and medium gloss, June 2015. |
©Francesca Dodaro, a.k.a. Franck, Jesus dies on the cross, acrylic colors on rough paper canvas, 50 x 60. |
©Francesca Dodaro, a.k.a. Franck, Jesus dies on the cross, June 2015. |
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