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Cucciolo di ciuchino by Franck, watercolors on my sketchbook, 15x23 cm . Borgo San Martino, Cerveteri, August 21st, 2017. |
Asinello by Franck, Borgo San Martino, Cerveteri. |
🇮🇹 Una gita in campagna è sempre rilassante e fonte di ispirazione per uno schizzo, non trovate?
Devo ammettere che poter osservare da vicino un animale mi ha reso facile riconoscere l'anatomia e anche la personalità. Sì, perché qualsiasi soggetto comunica qualcosa, ma gli animali hanno un carattere preciso che chi li ritrae può rendere. Per esempio, questo puledro di asino è abituato alla presenza umana - allattato artificialmente, perché la madre lo ha respinto subito - perciò è estroverso, giocherellone e curioso. È stato infatti lui ad avvicinarsi a noi, una volta prese le coccole e odorato - cercando anche di mordicchiare! - si è sentito a suo agio tanto da mettersi a brucare l'erba.
Be', armata di una matita HB, gomma e acquarelli, ho potuto ritrarlo nella sua curiosa fragilità: lo sguardo cigliato, le orecchie pelose, le lunghe gambe graziose. Sul mio sketchbook il risultato è stato davvero soddisfacente, tanto che quando mia sorella mi ha mostrato alcuni schizzi della Disney per "Bambi" ho riconosciuto la stessa caratterizzazione e resa del personaggio del cerbiatto: lunghe zampe ancora incerte, occhi umidi e cigliati, curiosità.
Asinello in Primo Piano by Franck |
Certo, nel luogo comune italiano, l'asino e il mulo è metafora della cocciutaggine stupida. Ecco perché nella favola di Pinocchio, il burattino e il suo compagno Lucignolo si trasformano in "ciuchini" dopo una notte di bagordi nel Paese della Cuccagna.
E pensare che nei miti antichi, l'asino invece è simbolo di forza e tenacia: l'asino è anche ritratto nella Fuga in Egitto, sia da Giotto che da Caravaggio; l'entrata trionfale in Gerusalemme di Gesù è sulla sua groppa.
Molti riti e miti, sia dell'estremo oriente, Greci fino all'Egitto hanno per protagonista l'asino. Anche la letteratura prende ispirazione dal carattere forte, domestico ma volitivo, spesso legato ai piaceri, di questo animale: Le Metamorfosi o Asino d'Oro di Apuleio, Sogno di una notte di mezza estate di Shakespeare, citato spesso in Orlando Furioso di Ariosto, Una stagione all'Inferno - Feste della fame di Rimbaud, Benjamin in La fattoria degli animali di Orwell.
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Ciuchino che bruca l'erba by Franck, graphite HB on my sketchbook 15x23 cm. Borgo San Martino, Cerveteri, 21st August 2017. |
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Cucciolo by Franck, graphite HB on my sketchbook 15x23 cm. Borgo San Martino, Cerveteri, 21st August 2017. |
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Portrait of Ciuchino by Franck, graphite HB 15x23 cm, on my sketchbook. Borgo San Martino, Cerveteri, 21st August 2017. |
🇬🇧 A trip to the countryside is always relaxing and source of inspiration for some sketches, don't you think?
I must admit that looking closely at animals made me easier to guess its anatomy and the character too. Yes because any subject tells you something, but animals got a precise personality that you can underline, drawing. For example, this young donkey is used to human contact - its mother rejected him so it was feed artificially - therefore, it is friendly, playful and curious. In facts, was it to come close, and when it got cuddles and smelled us - even trying as to bite! - it felt such at ease to stop and browse a little.
Well, equipped with pencil graphite HB, eraser and watercolors, I could portray the donkey in its curious fragility: its eyelash glance, fluffy pair of ears, long and gracious legs. On my sketchbook, the result was really satisfying, so much that, when my sister showed me some Disney's sketches from "Bambi", I recognized a similar characterization and output of the more popular fawn: long, unsteady legs and big, wet eyelash eye, full of curiosity.
Naturally, the Italian common place about donkey is the metaphor of fool stubbornness. That's why in the story of Pinocchio, the wooden puppet and his mate Lucignolo are turned into "little donkeys", just after a booze night in the Cockaigne.
Otherwise, you could imagine that, in some ancient myths, donkey is symbol of strength and perseverance. Donkey is also painted in many "Escape from Egypt", both by Giotto and Caravaggio; while Jesus triumphantly goes donkey riding into Jerusalem.
Many legends and rituals had as protagonist the donkey, from Far East, throughout Greeks, till Egypt. And literature as well gets inspired by its stubborn character, pet but strong-willed, often relate to lust, typical of this animal: The Golden Ass by Apuleius, Bottom Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare, several times quoted in Orlando Furioso by Ariosto, in the poem A Saeson in Hell - the celebrations of hunger by Rimbaud and at last, Benjamin in The Animal Farm by Orwell.
I must admit that looking closely at animals made me easier to guess its anatomy and the character too. Yes because any subject tells you something, but animals got a precise personality that you can underline, drawing. For example, this young donkey is used to human contact - its mother rejected him so it was feed artificially - therefore, it is friendly, playful and curious. In facts, was it to come close, and when it got cuddles and smelled us - even trying as to bite! - it felt such at ease to stop and browse a little.
Well, equipped with pencil graphite HB, eraser and watercolors, I could portray the donkey in its curious fragility: its eyelash glance, fluffy pair of ears, long and gracious legs. On my sketchbook, the result was really satisfying, so much that, when my sister showed me some Disney's sketches from "Bambi", I recognized a similar characterization and output of the more popular fawn: long, unsteady legs and big, wet eyelash eye, full of curiosity.
Naturally, the Italian common place about donkey is the metaphor of fool stubbornness. That's why in the story of Pinocchio, the wooden puppet and his mate Lucignolo are turned into "little donkeys", just after a booze night in the Cockaigne.
Otherwise, you could imagine that, in some ancient myths, donkey is symbol of strength and perseverance. Donkey is also painted in many "Escape from Egypt", both by Giotto and Caravaggio; while Jesus triumphantly goes donkey riding into Jerusalem.
Many legends and rituals had as protagonist the donkey, from Far East, throughout Greeks, till Egypt. And literature as well gets inspired by its stubborn character, pet but strong-willed, often relate to lust, typical of this animal: The Golden Ass by Apuleius, Bottom Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare, several times quoted in Orlando Furioso by Ariosto, in the poem A Saeson in Hell - the celebrations of hunger by Rimbaud and at last, Benjamin in The Animal Farm by Orwell.
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