John Robinson B&W © Franck, portrait in graphite on FABRIANO rough paper, 8"x11". Rome, 25th October 2017. It isn't true that "only the childrenAre the ones who blush",Sweet John, Sweet John! 😊Non è vero che " solo i bambiniQuelli che arrossiscono",Sweet John, Sweet John! 😉
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Making of # 1 "John Robinson B&W" © Franck |
Ricordo che anche un altro divo di Hollywood arrossiva teneramente, sugli schermi in bianco e nero: Gregory Peck. Alcuni suoi primi piani hanno toccato l'immaginario e la sensibilità di enormi platee mondiali, anche attraverso il giro del secolo; sto pensando alla fragilità in "Io ti salverò " di Hitchcock, l'ironica malizia in "Vacanze Romane" o l'indignazione davanti alla crudeltà in "Il buio oltre la siepe".
Ho deciso di scegliere una foto recente di John Robinson, per ritrarlo proprio nel giorno del suo compleanno. Il bianco e nero ha ispirato la scelta della grafite, un mezzo che mi attrae per la sua immediatezza. Questo ritratto sul foglio FABRIANO, leggermente ruvido, è stato eseguito con la matita HB prima; ho delineato vagamente le proporzioni basandomi sull'occhio sinistro. Poi, con la matita B, ho creato i lineamenti, i mezzi toni e le ombre per dare volume. Ho usato gomma per punti luce e infine lo sfumino per levigare.
So che John avrebbe apprezzato un regalo così, non è vero? 🎨
Making of # 2 "John Robinson B&W" © Franck |
🇬🇧 Paraphrasing of a popular song by Velvet Underground "Sweet Jane" goes with the dedication on my portrait for John Robinson . When he blushes, makes me always remember those lines. I love when spontaneity characterizes beauty in people; moreover, whether it enriches as for actor/tress, giving them deeper and more transparent shades of expression, well, I find that it's a real gift. Don't you think?
I remember that also another Hollywood star tenderly used to blush, on the silver screen: Gregory Peck. Some of his close-ups touched collective imagination and sensitivity around the world and through decades. I am considering to Peck's frailty in "Spellbound" by Hitchcock, ironical trick in "Roman Holydays" or indignation in front of cruelty in "To Kill a Mockingbird".
I decided to choose for my work a latest picture of John Robinson , to portray him in the day of his birthday. B/W suggested me graphite, which is an appealing tool for its immediacy. This portrait on a FABRIANO sheet, lightly rough, was drawned firstly with pencil HB; I vaguesly designed his proportions, taking as measure unit his left eye. Then, with pencil B, I drew his contours, in medium tones and shadows, in order to get volume. Some touches with eraser created highlights and, at last, the blend made it smooth.
I know John would have appreciated such a birthday gift, wouldn't he? 😜
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I remember that also another Hollywood star tenderly used to blush, on the silver screen: Gregory Peck. Some of his close-ups touched collective imagination and sensitivity around the world and through decades. I am considering to Peck's frailty in "Spellbound" by Hitchcock, ironical trick in "Roman Holydays" or indignation in front of cruelty in "To Kill a Mockingbird".
I decided to choose for my work a latest picture of John Robinson , to portray him in the day of his birthday. B/W suggested me graphite, which is an appealing tool for its immediacy. This portrait on a FABRIANO sheet, lightly rough, was drawned firstly with pencil HB; I vaguesly designed his proportions, taking as measure unit his left eye. Then, with pencil B, I drew his contours, in medium tones and shadows, in order to get volume. Some touches with eraser created highlights and, at last, the blend made it smooth.
I know John would have appreciated such a birthday gift, wouldn't he? 😜
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